Call 2025
Cities face an enormous challenge: They must become more resilient and healthy places to live while reaching net-zero-emissions in just a few short years. The Clean Cities Spain ClimAccelerator is an accelerator program, launched in 2020 with the support of EIT Climate-KIC, with a strong focus on the impact of climate change in urban areas and the commercialization of clean technology (cleantech). It targets start-ups that are developing solutions with special focus on transforming city systems to become climate neutral—from mobility to waste, energy to health, and the built environment. The programme is looking for start-ups with the capability to contribute to systemic change in cities, and that can work in multi-stakeholder ecosystems. The accelerator focuses on system-level innovations that address the impact of climate change in urban environments.
This programme is directly linked to several cities around Europe. Additionally, we have participation from other actors from the ecosystem such as international corporates, investors and SMEs. This consortium represents different sectors that are committed to initiatives such as this one. All these entities have been and are working in active strategies and policies related to sustainability and climate change.
Deadline: April 1st at 12PM CEST!

If you are a startup that is acting or that can provide solutions in any of the previous topics and you also meet the following requirements, this is your accelerator!
- Startups must offer a scalable solution
- Potential high climate impact or significant climate adaptation
- Your company must be incorporated (or in the legal process of incorporation) before entering the programme
- Incorporated not more than 5 years ago
- Based in the European Union
- A dedicated team of minimum 2 persons
The jury will be constituded by profiles related to the investment field and of an international nature. The jury members can come from different types of institutions, both from the private and public spheres, but always with an investor or facilitator profile. It will be made up of an odd number of members to facilitate decision-making by it.
Based on the eligibility and criteria requirements, up to a maximum of 15 startups will be selected to join the programme.
Structure and Topics
Most of the activities will be online or hybrid. We reserve the right to carry out the activities in person.
This 2025 edition will be focused on two main aspects: connection with the ecosystem and investment. Please, note only one selection proces will be organized for both stages.
Connection with the ecosystem: This first stage will be focused on boosting connection and collaboration with key agents from the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in Spain and Europe. The multi-level and multi-actor approach is key for more impactful actions according to climate neutrality within urban areas.
Investment readiness, scalability and internationalization: The goal of this second stage focuses on increasing the global network of contacts in new markets, establishing investment knowledge and analyzing the start-ups’ scalability.
Topics within the Clean Cities programme are included in the following section
What do we offer
As it is expected the participation from competitive startups, this programme will be mainly customisized to the startups needs. However, these in-kind services could be:
- Access to a global network of investors, corporations and public institutions.
- Benefit from mentorship and customizable opportunities with a wide range of experts.
- Training sessions with international speakers specialized in the area of business and sustainability.
- Join the EIT Climate-KIC ecosystem and community.
- International entrepreneurship events.*
- Tool for assessing the environmental impact of technologies developed by startups.
- Visibility, marketing and individualized communication actions.
Note*: Please notice that the first international event on entrepreneurship will be held in person in Madrid from 4th to 6th of June 2025.
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